Sunday, January 11, 2009

basketball, basketball, and more basketball...

I think what I need to get is a really nice camera. I guess I need to start saving some money because I need better pictures of my kids playing ball. I will give you what I've got, but don't judge my pictures! The lighting inside the gyms stinks! Yesterday marked our first 3-basketball game day in the Taylor family with Jacob playing now too! Mark is still coaching Haleigh and now Jacob. We turned Morgan over to a new coach this year - she is feeling a little weird with someone other than Mark, but I am hoping she ends up liking it okay. She really wants to quit, but I think yesterday's game boosted her confidence a little. She is so worried about messing up and disappointing someone (her coach), but we tried to reassure her that he is sort of a "yeller" in general and that it is not solely focused on her. We'll see how it goes, I guess. If she can't handle it now, she really won't be able to handle it when it comes Middle School time. She had a great game though and played great defense. She even scored 4 points, so she was really happy. Her coach even told her at practice that she has the best looking shot, so that's a plus for her (and it make her smile)! She needs that kind of feedback - not the other!

Okay, we'll start off with Haleigh's game since it was first. She did great. I was a little worried about her being able to keep up with the bigger girls (the 4th graders) and the full court, but she did awesome. She was all pumped up about being able to steal the ball this year. She loved it, and she said that it was all she thought it would be. She had A LOT of steals, and she scored 6 points. Her team won 30-10. Way to go Haleigh! After looking at all the (many) pictures I took trying to get good ones, I realize that the gym Haleigh plays in has the best lighting, so that is why she has more pics...

Getting warmed up before the game...

Is her shot going to go in? It did!Her fast break! Nothing but the goal in front of her.
Half time rest and pep talk from the coach.

Whew - she was worn out.

Last minute talk before the final quarter.

Morgan's game was next, and I only got one picture that was even half way decent. That is her at the top trying to intercept that ball that went by. Her team played Springtown, and you can always count on their coaches to make the game more interesting. Their coach was a crazy screamer. The girls on Morgan's team were starting to feel sorry for the girls they were playing against. They also won by 20, and I already told you about her points. She took a few other shots that were awesome looking, but they decided to pop right back out instead of going in. She did great, and I we are really proud of her defense.

Jacob's game was next, and so cute. I had forgotten how much fun that pre-k and K games can be. The kids don't really have a clue what is going on, so their coached get to be on the floor with them. Here is Jacob throwing the ball in to one of his teammates (they are co-ed at this age).

I am open man!

Wow - that quarter really was tough!

Good game! We won this one too!

On a totally different note, Haleigh was in a wedding a week ago - here is a picture of her with the bride, Emily. What a pretty flower girl she is!


Erica said...

those pix look a lot better! you need to find another parent w/ a fancy camera. like we did w/ tee ball!! ;) and haleigh looks very pretty

Melissa Taylor said...

I have my setting on "sunset", but I have to hold the camera REALLY STILL, and that is very hard. I need a tri-pod.