Friday, June 5, 2009

Remembering Kay

Sunday, June 7th will mark the 10 year anniversary of Kay's death. The last 10 years have gone by fast in some ways, but in others, it has felt like an eternity. Life without Kay has been really hard on all of us. There are so many things that we wish we could've shared with her, especially her grandchildren. There are 7 grandkids on Mark's side of the family, but she only got to meet 3 of them. She used to laugh so hard at the things they did, and I know that she would've really gotten a kick out of the others as well. My heart hurts this weekend as we are going to be getting together to remember her, but it also hurts when I see things in the kids that I know she would love. Life is so weird some times. Why was she taken from us at such a young age? Why did she not get to see all of her grandkids? Why did she not get to see her own children grow into the fine men and woman that they have become? I know that she would be so proud of all of them, and we look forward to the day when we can be joined once again as a family in heaven.


Jeff said...

I missed this over the weekend. I can't pretend to imagine the pain you feel with the loss and the questions but I know you also rejoice that she is with God. I appreciate your family so much for your strength and desire to know God and follow His will in your lives.

Jodi said...

Thinking of you all this week......

Unknown said...

It has been quite a while since I last looked at your blog. The picture of Kay and the loving tribute to her made me feel happy and sad all at once. Kay and I shared a lot of experiences in life that were often similar. I loved her and miss her too. As I have looked at your blog, for some time now, I have often thought how proud Kay would have been of her children and grandchildren.

Jeanette Myers