Here is Jacob next to a river where we camped one night.
Here is Morgan by the same river.
This is a picture of the sand dunes - very hot and dry, and very hard to walk in.
Here is a beautiful Colorado sunset.

Here is a picture of the kids after hiking to a waterfall - a very cold waterfall.

Here is a picture of Mesa Verde - some ancient Indian ruins in s.w. Colorado.

Here is Haleigh by the river.
this really is the cutest need to make it b/w and enlarge it!
Hello Taylor Family!
I was so glad to find your blog... I know Tree found mine and it was so great to see his name pop up! I absolutely can NOT get over how big your kiddos have grown... it is one of those "seems like yesterday" moments for me. Anyway, wanted to say hi and that I look forward to keeping up with you all! M&M, you both were such examples and inspirations to me for so many years... and now seeing your sweet family... it brings tears to my eyes. Thank you! And Melissa... good luck with teaching! And Tree... congrats on getting away from TAKS! YAY!
Ok, Melissa, I read your comment AFTER I wrote that previous note... weird. Anyways, YAY! I'm glad to be in touch!
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