6. I am thankful to be a college graduate - this has been a huge life goal of mine, and I am done! I won't have my diploma in my hand for another 2-3 weeks, but I am a graduate! I never thought it would take me 14 years, but life doesn't always work according to my timeline. It's funny how things just really seem to work out when you least expect it. There is a tremendous weight lifted off of my shoulders, and I am proud to be an example of an "educated woman" for my daughters.
7. I am thankful for the convenience of my life - can you imagine life in the "old days" when people didn't have running water, heat/ac, a stove, a washing machine, Wal-Mart, etc. I am thankful that I didn't have to give birth in my home or without an epidural (Morgan was my exception, but after that I was TRULY thankful for the invention of the epidural)! I am just so thankful for the intelligent people that came before me so that I am able to enjoy the conveniences of my life.
8. I am thankful for my family; my sisters, my brother, my mom, and my dad - what would life have been like as an only child? I know people that are only children, and I don't mean to imply that it would be a bad thing, I just can't imagine it for myself since I come from a large family. There was/is never a boring time when we are together. I am thankful that my dad was willing to come into a family that was already quite full. For those of you who don't know, my real dad died when I was three. So, my dad came into a family with three children already. He has never treated us like we were not his own flesh and blood, and I am extremely thankful for that gift. I am thankful for my mother, who in her 20's, became a single mom with three very young children (1, 3, and 5 years old). She is an amazing story of survival, and I am thankful for her perseverance. I am thankful for the siblings I have - they have made my life so fun!
9. I am thankful for my friends - when we first moved to Decatur I was somewhat isolated. I was really young - not much older than the kids in the youth group that we were working with but much younger than the other young couples in our church. I hated it here in Texas, and all I wanted to do was move home to Colorado. It took about five years, but I started to find my niche. I have some very special friends now that I wouldn't be able to function without! They are a true blessing and a gift from God!
10. Finally, I am most thankful for the gift of Jesus - what an amazing sacrifice. Without that sacrifice, none of these other things would even matter. I don't even think that I can begin to describe how thankful I am for that sacrifice, that amazing gift that I don't deserve and can never repay.
The time of Thanksgiving comes and goes without a second thought - onward to Christmas. I just think I need more time to dwell on my thankfulness, but I shouldn't only do it on Thanksgiving - it needs to be a part of my every day. Hopefully it will be.