This is a picture I took after Santa came! I was ready to go to bed...I am becoming a wimpy Santa in my old age. It is hard to wait for the kids to be fast asleep when I want to be fast asleep myself! Morgan discovered last year that Santa is us, and she was really wanting to help up stuff stockings this year. When Mark went to get her up though...well she wast too busy sleeping to care! I guess she decided sleep was better than stuffing stockings! Haleigh (who has a bit more common sense than Morgan) decided that she had the whole Santa thing figured out. So, when she asked me flat out, I couldn't lie to her anymore. She figured it out a lot earlier than Morgan did. Still lots of fun for Jacob though!
Mark's work truck doesn't even have a CD player in it, so we decided to get him an IPOD for Christmas. We got him the Nano since it was $100 cheaper than the others, and we got him an adapter so that he can play it through his truck radio/speakers. He loves it! Yeah for us - he loved something that wasn't fishing stuff! Mark got me a new digital camera and a gift certificate for a day at the spa! He did really good too. Here are the kids with their new DVD's - this was the year of the 3's (Santa Clause 3, Pirates 3, and Shrek 3). The only one we're still missing is Spiderman 3. Jacob liked his movie, but he decided that Santa didn't read his note and bring him the ONLY GIFT HE ASKED FOR!

Sounds like Santa was extra-good to the Taylors!
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