It has always been a custom in my family to open one gift on Christmas Eve, so that is what we do with our family now. I knew what the kids were getting on Christmas morning from "Santa", and I knew that the kids would care less what they got from "us" for Christmas. Therefore, I decided to let the kids open both of their gifts from us on Christmas Eve. Morgan got a much needed new pair of tennis shoes. She looks thrilled, doesn't she! She really does like them ~ she's just not great at showing it!
Haleigh needed a new pair of Nike's as well since Morgan got some ~ that's how it is with her!

Jacob got some Black and Decker "tools" ~ hopefully this will keep him from playing with Barbies!

The girls got a gift to share! This is the newest thing from Leap Frog - a writing device for the computer. They both want to be writers when they grow up, so hopefully this will inspire them to keep writing.

Jacob's other gift was Spider Man Operation. This game is really cool. He is the master surgeon! If Spidey ever needs help, Jacob will be on his way!

We collectively decided that Santa probablly gets tired of cookies, so we make cupcakes. Here the kids are making cupcakes for Santa on Christmas Eve.

On my next post I will show pictures from Christmas morning. After we opened presents and ate breakfast, the neighbors came and asked the kids to come break pinatas with them and their cousins. Our kids have never done that for Christmas, but the neighbors do it every year. It was neat for the kids to experience a multi-cultural Christmas. They also gave us tamales for lunch and their special "punch" (similar to cider). It was very nice of them to include us!
Jacob didn't have to wear the blindfold since he is younger!

The mad dash for the candy!

The day after Christmas we had to unwind and head to Joe's Crab Shack!
It seems like the big tuna is attacking Mark. Maybe trying to get him back for all the fish Mark has caught.
Looks like y'all had a real fun Christmas! Hope your new year is off to a wonderful start!
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