Posted by Melissa Taylor at 6:53 AM 2 comments
I haven't posted for a while, so I guess I should say something. However, I have no new pictures to post, but I thought I would post a cute joke (above). We have been very busy. We have been busy with volleyball, and now Morgan has also started basketball practice. Haleigh and Jacob are about to start b-ball too, so we will be really busy every weekend! We have two more weeks of volleyball, and I am eager for that to end because basketball is a little more exciting to me! This will be Jacob's first time to play something, so we are excited for that. It will be fun to watch him play! Haleigh is thrilled because she is now at an age where she will be able to steal the ball (legally). Last year she did it a couple of times but was called for it. She is ready for the big game - the 3rd and 4th grade league is so much better because they get to play full court and, of course, they get to steal. The kids are all doing very well in school. The girls have great grades, and Jacob is still practicing his reading. He loves it. He will be so ready for kindergarten. He asked me last night when he will be able to go to kinder. since he turned five. Sorry...September birthdays are killer! It will happen too soon for me. I think I am ready for my kids to stop growing.
Posted by Melissa Taylor at 7:33 PM 0 comments
We had a fun Halloween. We always go over to our good friends, the Vincents, for some Halloween goulash. We ran into Jacob and Heather as they were on their way out. Mia was a very cute little horse, so we had to get a picture with her. You may recognize Haleigh's costume - it was her bunny costume from her ballet recital. We looked for a costume that she liked, but we never found anything. Her bunny costume was a good solution, and it was already paid for!!!
Craig liked her costume so much that he thought he would try it - only the ears fit him!
Here is our little Iron Man. His costume has a cute mask that goes with it, but he accidentally left it at school. So...you get to see the real identity of Iron Man!
Morgan, Haleigh, and Jacob. As you can see, Morgan didn't dress up. We couldn't find a costume that she liked either.
Here is Scott, Mark's brother, with a flounder - not quite a red fish, but a fish!
Here is a red fish!
Posted by Melissa Taylor at 5:36 PM 4 comments