Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Just Catching Up

I haven't posted for a while, so I guess I should say something. However, I have no new pictures to post, but I thought I would post a cute joke (above). We have been very busy. We have been busy with volleyball, and now Morgan has also started basketball practice. Haleigh and Jacob are about to start b-ball too, so we will be really busy every weekend! We have two more weeks of volleyball, and I am eager for that to end because basketball is a little more exciting to me! This will be Jacob's first time to play something, so we are excited for that. It will be fun to watch him play! Haleigh is thrilled because she is now at an age where she will be able to steal the ball (legally). Last year she did it a couple of times but was called for it. She is ready for the big game - the 3rd and 4th grade league is so much better because they get to play full court and, of course, they get to steal. The kids are all doing very well in school. The girls have great grades, and Jacob is still practicing his reading. He loves it. He will be so ready for kindergarten. He asked me last night when he will be able to go to kinder. since he turned five. Sorry...September birthdays are killer! It will happen too soon for me. I think I am ready for my kids to stop growing.

All is well with me and Mark. I had my first evaluation last Monday and got my results this week. I was happy with how it went, and I was even happier with the comments my prinicpal gave me. I'll tell you what - it is really hard having a full time job. I think I have been doing okay, but it sure is a change for me and my family. I am thankful that I have such a good and supportive family! Mark is still really enjoying his new job at TARGA. It is a great company to work for, and we are so thankful that the opportunity was there for him.

The puppies are growing -- they are so big. They finally opened their eyes, and they are walking. They are so cute to watch. They slip when they walk - too cute. If you are interested in a VERY CUTE puppy please let me know. They will be ready to go to a loving home in about 2 weeks. I KNOW YOU WANT ONE!!!!!

Well, we have a new president. Interesting, huh? It didn't quite go the way I wanted, but I am optimistic about the fact that our country made history. We'll have to see how it all turns out...only time will tell.

Talk again soon!