It is amazing how the week can last so long! My goal at the beginning of the school year was that my house remain clean during the week. IT HASN"T (mostly my stuff). Normally I saved those common household chores for M,W,F since I worked on T, Th at mother's day out. I got a lot of things done on MWF like washing dishes (we don't have a dishwasher at this rental house), doing laundry, vacuuming, ironing, mopping, toilets, etc. Well, I no longer have my MWF days since I am doing my student teaching. I miss my MWF's!!! After I am at the school all day during the week, I go to my "paying job" at The Learning Ladder from 3:45 - 6:00 where I work in the homework room. Then I follow this schedule:
Monday: 6:30 - 8:00 work out, 8:00 - 9:00 bathe Jacob and help get the kids ready for bed, 9:00 - ??? finish things I need to do (like get ready for school the next day, read emails, etc.) and go to bed
Tuesday: 6:00 - 7:00 eat dinner and get ready for the gym, 7:00 - 8:00 work out, 8:00 - ??? same as above
Wednesday: 6:00 - 7:00 eat dinner and get ready for church, 7:00 - 8:00 church, 8:00 - ??? same as above
Thursday: 6:00 - 6:30 eat dinner, 6:30 - 7:15ish conference call with my university about our student teaching and discuss topic for the paper we have to write next week, 7:15ish - 8:00 work out, 8:00 - ??? same as above
Friday: I DON'T HAVE TO WORK AT THE LEARNING LADDER!!! NO HOMEWORK!!! I want to enjoy Friday so much, but I am toooooo tired. Yesterday we went to get ice cream after school, we ate at Casa Torres, and then I came home and tried to catch up on five days worth of Dr. Phil and Oprah. That is hard to do! What am I going to do when American Idol starts again? There won't be time to watch it.
Saturday and Sunday : Days of rest?!?! This is when I really start to miss my MWF's! This is when I am finding time to do all of my normal household chores. This is when I find time to write my two papers for my university. This is when I find time to sleep...there is not enough time on the weekend. I think we should strike for another day to be added to the weekend. I know I need it, Mark needs it, and my kids even need it.
Let me tell you about my husband - I know most people think they have the most wonderful one, but I really do! Mark has been washing dishes (not always with a positive attitude, but he washes them), washing clothes, making dinner, making sure the kids do their homework after school, making sure the girls take a shower, and he even gave me a back rub last night because he said I looked tired. He is great! I am sure he is looking forward to my 12 weeks of student teaching being over as much as I am though! My kids are great too. They have three lists that have to follow. They are labeled "before school", "after school", "before bed". I am fortunate that two of my three kids are pretty much self sufficient right now. Morgan and Haleigh know what to do and do it every day. They get their own breakfast (no I do not make a warm breakfast for them - I know that will really concern some people), they make their own lunch everyday after school for the next day, they take their own showers, they clean their own rooms, etc. Maybe I need to make a checklist for myself so that I make my own lunch everyday, make my bed, etc. If I took care of my business the house would probablly be clean!
My friend Summer reminded me of the comment "you can do anything for a year", and she said that should also say "you can do anything for 12 weeks". I'm going to be like the little engine that could...I think I can! I am 1/4 of the way there. I am really looking forward to my mini vacation coming up in a couple of weeks. I am going to Seattle to see my little sister. My older sister is meeting us there too, so we will be having a girls weekend! I have never been to Seattle, so I am really looking forward to it. I will be taking a three day weekend, and I am really excited.
On another son will be turning 4 on Wednesday. I can't believe it. We are having his birthday party on Sunday. He is so excited. We are renting a jump house/slide combination. It is spider man...he asks every day when his party is. He picked out a spider man cupcakes, spider man plates, cups, and napkins. I will post about that after the fact...he is really growing up. I miss having a baby to hold. At least Jacob still snuggles with more babies for us. Have a great weekend.
Paris Thanksgiving
6 years ago
Your schedule makes me tired! :)
Actually, it reminded me too that it seems like a lot for a while, but tough it out and the days won't always be this crazy! Have a good week!
I know another student-teacher that feels about the same way you do. I'm glad our fall is a little slower than usual and wish Mark would come over and do dishes and laundry for my wife. :)
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