Sunday, September 9, 2007

Spiders and Football

I really don't have much to talk about. Everything is going well with everyone at school. Morgan missed three days of school already. She always gets sick at the beginning of school; this just came a little earlier than usual. She needs to drink more water! This week will be a little busier for me in the classroom. I will be teaching all the science lessons this week! I am excited. I will also have my first observation from my clinical supervisor on Friday. I am a little nervous about that, but at least I will get practice all week before she comes. Mark is still really enjoying his job. He will be on his own within the next couple of weeks. He is learning a lot.

We have had more spiders in Texas this summer than I ever remember. Everyone I talk to is having trouble with spiders, especially black widows. This picture below is a garden spider I saw on our fence today. It is huge! It has a locust in it's web. You can click on the picture to make it larger - you will be able to see it's legs wrapped around the locust. It is wrapping it with it's silk. It was really cool to watch it for a while.

In more exciting news, the NFL has started!! I didn't get to see the Bronco game today - they don't always air in Texas, but they had a very exciting win. Jason Elam kicked the winning field goal in the last second of the game, literally. It was sweet. I will have to watch those hightlights on Sportscenter. Go Broncos, we are 1-0!


Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

Um, we may have to be on opposite sides of the field when the Broncos play the Chargers in October. we are HUGE fans of the chargers (jeff is from cali!) so here to hoping our friendship survives my team beating your team.


Jeff said...

How 'bout them Cowboys!

Kelly is having her observation on Friday too. I hope you both go through it with flying colors - and I believe you will.

I'm sick of spiders and their webs. I keep walking through webs and strands of silk and it drives me crazy.

Erica said...

MOrgan has never been the best h20 drinker...get her a water of those big butt ones & tell her she has to finish it by the end of the day or she's grounded....maybe that'll get to her...didn't mean to sound mean or bossy...but I have seen how bad she feels when she hasn't had anything. Poor kid! Emma missed a day already...but for totally diff reasons. GO BRONCOS....and GO HUSKERS!!

Bev Ross said...

Hey, sweet friend, I am praying for you!