I had a nice relaxing weekend in Seattle with my sisters and my niece. My sister Rebecca moved to Seattle to go to college and liked it there so much she never moved back to Colorado. I have never been there to see her or where she lives and works, so it was fun to go for a quick visit. I would never ever want to live there, but she enjoys it a lot. Here is a picture of her house that she rents with four other girls. This is what you can get for $1800 a month in the city of Seattle. It is an older house on a small lot, and she said that they are getting a nice deal on the rent...like I said, I could never live there!

Here is a picture of me with my older sister Erica (far left) and my little sister Becky (middle). We have jackets on because it was chilly in Seattle.

This is Pike Place Market - it is a street market with a lot of different things to buy. There was tons of fresh flowers for sale, and they were really cheap. A "small" bundle of flowers was $5.00. The prices are cheap I guess since the rent is so high!

This is also in the market. There is all sorts of fresh sea food to buy. This place is a popular place to buy sea food. This is the place you will see in the movies where they throw the fish. It was pretty cool.

This is a picture of the same place. The guys bring the fish out in boxes and place it on the ice. They stay on this side until someone orders something, and then they will throw it to the guy behind the counter - pretty cool.

Here's a picture of some pepper arrangements that they sell. I thought this was cool and colorful. These were pretty expensive - I was surprised.

This is the original Starbucks - it is really quite small. It is just across the street from the market. There is usually a group of people singing or a person playing an instrument. This group of guys were gospel singers. This Starbucks is about 1 of 100 in Seattle - they were everywhere.

We went to the salon and got pedicures while we were there - this is my sister Becky and my niece Emma (you can't start them too young)!

There's a park where you can overlook the city - here is a nice view on a nice day of the Space Needle.

This is a picture just to the right of the picture above. There are a lot of ships that come in and out of Seattle.

Just a picture from the same park of me, Erica, Becky, and Emma.

We went down to the beach for dinner and had some awesome clam chowder. Just across from the restaurant was the beach front where they have fire pits set up. Some of my sisters friends from church were meeting to roast marshmallows and hang out, so we went down there for a little while. It got really cold after the sun went down, so the fire was nice.

Saturday was cold and rainy, but we still had some fun. This is a picture at a fountain just outside the arena where the Supersonics play. They were having an Italian festival, but it was kind of weak due to the rain. This location is really close to the Space Needle, so we got to see it pretty
up close. We didn't ride up in it though, not a real fan of that kind of stuff.

Here is a nice view of the ocean from a place where we went to shop. It was rainy, so the picture looks kind of gloomy, but it is really quite beautiful. There were all sorts of ships - cargo ships, cruise liners, ferries, etc.

Anyway, just a quick glimpse of my trip to Seattle. It was very nice, and I would like to go back again someday. Maybe next time I can take my family (or maybe we should include our brother)! It was nice to get away for a little though and take a break from the hustle and bustle of my life. I was back to my student teaching today. I just started week #6, so I am half way there!
make sure you email me the pix from your camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Even though you said you could never live there...it's unique & different...but I can see why becky loves it there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like a fun trip. I've always wanted to go see the fish market but I'm with you...I don't think it's a place I would want to live.
what a fun trip!
Jeff's best friend is from Seattle and he would move back in a heartbeat. One day we are going on a trip there to see what all the fuss is about! :)
Hope you enjoyed the R&R
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