I received an email from my father late last night to let me know that he and my mother have officially started the legal process of "dissolving their marriage". I think that is such a sad statement. I don't even know how to feel about it. They have been having a lot of marital trouble in the last five years, so this decision is not a surprise. I have a double sided opinion in this matter (is that a correct term?). My two opinions are this: 1) I don't think they should be together right now, and 2) I don't believe in divorce. Well...this leaves me really wondering how I feel.
I am deeply saddened that my parents marriage has fallen apart. I don't even want to think about how much this changes things for our family...holidays, birthdays, weddings, etc. When I was talking to Morgan and Haleigh about it today Morgan said "what will happen if one of them wants to get married again" and Haleigh said "we would have three grandpas". Whoa.......hold on, they don't even know how to be married to each other, so let's not even go there!
I am hoping that my parents can find happiness in their lives. I think the happiness that they are searching for will not come from divorcing, but perhaps they think it will. I guess time will tell.
I don't actually have a lot of friends whose parents are divorced. If I do, their parents were divorced when they were kids. So, is there anyone out there in the same boat as me? What is it like? How am I supposed to handle this situation? What am I supposed to do when my kids ask questions? UGH...why can't we all just get along?
Those of you who know me well know that when something makes me really uncomfortable, I make a joke about it. So...here is a little divorce humor! Enjoy.
I will keep you in my prayers. I know first hand that divorce is not easy for the parent or the child. But God will see you through. That I know for sure.
I am here if you need a listening ear
Love you all
you were quick to post about that eh? They're nuts...do they have your blog to visit? I didn't send it...but they might have it...did you send it to them. You sound like bj...she didn't believe in the D until mom & dad...so go figure..who is married, dislikes the other enough to divorce...but still does dinner& movie with them?!?!?
Wow. I am so sorry for the "drama." I wish I had some wisdom or something, but I got nothing. Other than I am saying a prayer right now. :) Hang in there girl!
Dear Melissa,
If I was a child and my parents were getting a divorce, I would be hurting as well. I'm not a perfect Mom, just doing my best. I would much rather go to a movie and to dinner with a friend, then fight with my husband. My heart hurts as well. This divorce is not a way for me to seek happiness. But maybe more a way to not be unhappy. My prayers for our family to walk through this time. I love you all. Love, Mom
Melissa, I certainly don't know what I can say that will help other than my heart and prayers will go out to you and your family and I hope that all of you will find joy in God and His loving mercy through this struggle.
I want you to know that I will be thinking of you and your family. Divorce isn't easy for anyone and it effects more people than the ones getting divorced realize. Both Connor's and my parents divorced when we were young and it still effects us to this day. I would always make jokes about hard things as a kid, too, and still do. Sometimes it helps with the coping. Just remember, God can make a lot of good come out of things that aren't so good:) Love you!
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