Our church hosted a Bible Bowl competition for surrounding churches since we aren't going to LTC. LTC (which is always Easter weekend) happens to fall during spring break this year. That really stinks because everyone will be out of town, so we are not taking kids this year to the competition. We still did pre-convention events like Bible class teaching, bulletin board, etc. The kids still prepared very hard for Bible Bowl, and we decided to host a competition so that the kids could still "participate" in Bible Bowl. Morgan worked really hard this year, and it paid off! She was 15th overall, so she received a gold medal for her individual score. Her team came in 4th place, so they recieved a gold medal too. She was really excited and very proud of herself! She has her medals on her backpack! Here she is with her two gold medals. This is a picture of the Taylor version of a slumber party! The kids were watching a movie in the living room last weekend, and they fell asleep together. It's so nice that they can all still fit on one couch (and that they don't mind being that close to each other)!

It started snowing Thursday morning, and by lunch time it was sticking to the ground and roads. School was let out early - that was a mess, and we were out of school on Friday. It was nice to see a good snow - it snowed about 5 inches. We haven't seen that in a long time. The kids had a great time playing in the snow (except Haleigh - she doesn't do cold)! Here are a few pictures of the lovely snow.

On Friday the snow started to melt. The snow was sliding off the roof of our house slowly but surely. Here is the first picture...

second picture...

third picture...shortly after this, it slid off on Morgan! That was good times :)

Fun snow times! We played in Decatur snow on Thursday too. It's much better there than at our house for some reason! Jacob looked like he was about to fall off the couch---but it was a cute picture!
cool.....SNOW...and it's been downright warm & fun here without it...you can jus tkeep it ok?
Congratulations on the Bible Bowl medals--I loved doing Bible Bowl and Bible Quiz. Y'all's snow was so beautiful--we got a good dusting but not the depth y'all did. I loved the slumber party picture. These are sweet days, huh? Y'all take care!
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