Spring Break...we didn't have a single thing planned! Friday night the girls each had a friend spend the night. Morgan had 2 volleyball games first thing Saturday morning - they won both games! They were down in each game by one round, but they fought back to win 2-3 in each game. Morgan did much better this week. She got a number of serves over, and she even helped win the first game with a 4 serve streak! (The serves are what really seems to count in 5th grade volleyball)! Saturday night we spent with Mark's family going through old pictures and remembering his mom. We are gathering pictures to make a special scrapbook of her life. We spent the night there on Saturday night and went to church with Don and Twala on Sunday. That was nice. We ran into John and Lindsey Shuttlesworth and Russell and Sarah Smith. It's always nice to see CDR friends! After church on Sunday we went over to Mark's sisters house, and they invited us to join them at the Dallas World Aquarium on Monday. That sounded like fun, so I took the three best looking kids in town...I think their names were Morgan, Haleigh, and Jacob! I took a million pictures, but I will only share a few of my favorites. Here are some cool stingrays we enjoyed looking at. Jacob liked them so much I got him a stuffed version from the gift shop.

Here is an octopus - so gross looking when you see it in real life. It always seems cooler in the movies! I guess the giant head is what grosses me out. The tentacles, with the suction cups, are pretty cool. I was truly amazed at the number of sea creatures that God made. The way that the fish can blend in to their environment was amazing. The place itself wasn't really worth the ridiculous amount of money that we spent for 2 1/2 hours, but it was a great teaching moment to my children (and me) about how amazing our God is. So, for that I was thankful that we went. I'll just never go during spring break again...too many people, and for me to say that, it must have been crowded!

wondered what you guys had been up to this week. becky leaves today...didn't do anything exciting here either!
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