Saturday, October 25, 2008

HSM3 and more puppy pictures

Mark is away this weekend, so we took advantage of our time alone. Mark doesn't like High School Musical, so he didn't want to go see HSM3 this weekend. Well, we did! While Mark is away playing at Camp Deer Run with the youth from church, we went and saw THE MOVIE. It was really good - cheesy, but good. It is about as cheesy as Grease, but a little more wholesome! My kids loved it, and we had a great time together. So, for that, I love High School Musical movies! It was funny because there were a lot of teenagers there acting like they didn't want anyone to see them there. They were joking with each other in the bathroom acting like they only came to the movie to make fun of it. Yeah right. I don't believe that for a second. They were there for the same reason we all were - they couldn't wait to see the latest installment of the movie :) Good times were had by all...

The puppies are getting so much bigger already. Here are our latest pictures with them - Cookie is actually letting us hold them now, so the kids are thrilled.

Haleigh is trying to get the proud daddy in the picture, but he was shy.

The little runt - he is my favorite!

Our quintuplets! Aren't they so cute?

You can see their brown in starting to come out a bit! I love how they all huddle together to stay warm. So sweet!

Have a great weekend, and go see HSM3!