Saturday, October 11, 2008

We are still here...

I know it has been a while since I posted anything. I guess we just haven't really had a whole lot going on. We have all made it through our first six weeks of school. I felt really good about my first six weeks as a teacher. I don't think that I messed up too bad, and I don't think that I messed up any of my students yet! The girls did great - A honor roll for both of them. Jacob has done great at the Learning Ladder. He has a real routine going now, but he still says that Saturday is his favorite day of all since he gets to stay home (me too)! Morgan has been playing volleyball for three weeks now. She missed today because she was camping with a friend. I have only a few pictures to post...

During the first week of volleyball, I forgot to take pictures until the very end. I forgot my camera for the second game, and we didn't go to the third game...sorry so few pictures with so little action. Hope everyone is well. Hopefully I will have more to share later. We are just boring right now I guess!