My kids are very unique, and Jacob and Haleigh have this "touching" thing. Some of you may have even been the victim of Haleigh's ear holding! Haleigh LOVES EARS. Every year when it comes near her birthday, she would say "this year I am going to stop holding ears". When she was about to turn 8, she decided that she was never going to stop holding ears. That's okay with me, I guess. Jacob likes to touch skin - any skin, but he is now on this neck kick. He really likes to tuck his hand under necks because he says it feels so warm. Jacob spends a lot of time in our bed because he wakes up almost every night and makes his way to our room, but he starts off in his room. This is how I found my handsome little boy the other night...he didn't even take off his clothes. Isn't he just about the cutest thing? Man, he is growing up so fast.
Okay, so the day I have been dreading has finally arrived. Morgan is now as tall as me. She has hit a growth spurt here lately, so now she has reached me. It will only last for a little while, I'm sure. She will be taller than me by next week! Her legs are already longer than mine. My pant length is petite or regular, but she wears a long. Nice, huh?! I actually thought it would happen sooner, so I guess I should be glad that it took this long.
Haleigh is such a character. The other day she was talking about something she did at school. I told her that she is just so much more awesome than everyone else. You know what she said? She said, "I know, I really feel sorry for everyone else because they are not as cool as me". Wow. She really likes herself! I never have to worry about her self esteem :)
On a sad note, we lost one of our dogs. Cookie went missing the other night just before bed time. We couldn't figure out what happened to her, but we found some evidence today. IF YOU GET QUEASY, DON'T READ ON. We found one of her legs in the back yard today. Our neighbors dog was victim to a coyote that has been coming around while we are out, and we think that the coyote also got Cookie. Lightning is sad...he looks so lonely. Here's a memory of better times.
oh, my found her leg?
So sorry about your dog--we found a bunch of feathers once that we could only surmise were the only remains of Mrs. Harold, one of our ducks and wife to Harold the duck. Your campout pictures turned out so good--I bet y'all had so much fun. And your kids all look like they've hit growth spurts! You have such a neat family!
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