Saturday, April 26, 2008

Club Lake

Mark's dad is a member of the country club in Sherman called Club Lake. It is a place of fond memories for Mark as a kid (and as an adult). Mark's family has been associated with the club ever since it opened 100 years ago, and they have several ponds that you can fish from. On Friday, Mark, Jacob, and Popop went fishing together! They had a great time, and here are the pictures of Jacob's 2 fish. Mark caught some too, but he is holding Jacob's fish because Jacob wanted to take a picture!


Erica said...

very they keep the fish & you cook them?

Melissa Taylor said...

No - first of all, I don't know how to cook fish. Second, we are "catch and release" fishers! I don't think they even let people take fish out of the lakes to keep at the club.

Erica said...

aw, come on mel...even i know how to cook fish! you could catch & eat...and save money!

Anonymous said...

You write very well.