Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Do you ever wonder...

Do you ever wonder what is going on in the mind of your children? I do - all the time. Well, Jacob likes to take random pictures with my camera, and I let him (and then usually delete them later). I guess I caught a little glimpse into his mind as I was looking through the 48 pictures he took last night. I thought these pictures were too funny to not mention and show them!

This, apparently, is his self portrait. It looks kind of freaky because his face is so white due to the flash.

This is a picture he took of a picture on the wall of him, Haleigh, and Morgan. So funny.

Another picture of a picture!

And yet another. This is one of my favorite pictures of him. He was still my sweet little baby boy back then. Not so much a baby anymore :(

Then he turned to my crosses hanging on the wall next to the pictures!

A picture of one of his readers. He also took a picture of the last page, but it turned out really blurry!

A picture of one of his shoes. Go Spidey!

He found Morgan just getting out of the shower!



This is what I thought was so funny. We are all very interested in this new show on NBC called "America's Toughest Jobs", and he took several pictures of the tv while we were watching it. You can see that our living room also serves as a dining room! I can't wait to move out of this small house - we are running out of room, and I am tired of the mice! Thanks Jacob for some very interesting pictures. I love the mind of a four year old! I just love my children.


Erica said... moved the tv! tell jacob i said hi