Friday, August 31, 2007
Two Special People
Posted by Melissa Taylor at 12:58 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Big Mama
Mark's grandmother, Big Mama, is not doing well. They don't expect her to live through the day. I would like to ask prayers on the behalf of her and her family. We would like for her to be comfortable today. And, we would like prayers for the family during this time. Thanks.
Posted by Melissa Taylor at 6:15 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
First Day of School
We had a big day today - the first day of school! Everyone was up bright and early, eager to get off to school. We all had a good day and a good start to the school year! The class that I am doing my student teaching has a couple of rowdy kids! I will surely be challenged by a couple of little first graders. Things went really well for everyone today.
Here is a picture of the three most beautiful children in the whole world on their first day of school!
Here is my big 5th grader! She was quite nervous this morning about finding her home room, getting her locker, etc. When her and Mark got there they found out that her schedule had been slightly changed. She had a new home room teacher! Her rotation of teachers stayed the same, and she was happy because she has more friends in the new home room! She got her locker, and she even worked her combination! She was worn out, and she is already in bed (@7:30 p.m.)!
Haleigh was all ready for 2nd grade. She thought she was really cool because she got to go down the hallway before the rest of the kids since I had to be there early. She really likes her teacher. She knew her from last year because she was her Battle of the Books coach. She is very young - as you can see from her picture - she looks like she's still in high school!Jacob was really excited to go to pre-school too. He wore his "basketball" outfit and had his Lighting McQueen lunch box. I don't know if you can really tell from this picture, but his Star Wars backpack is about the same size as him! He had a great day at The Learning Ladder! I get to see him when I get to my paying job in the afternoon - I work the homework room at The Learning Ladder. His teacher is the owner (Anna), and I would like to ask for you to pray for her and her husband right now. He has been fighting cancer for some time now, but they got a bad report from the doctor today. His cancer has returned, and he will be starting chemo. tomorrow. Please keep them in your prayers.
Posted by Melissa Taylor at 7:31 PM 5 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
Time of Change
Posted by Melissa Taylor at 9:20 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
My Little Man Jacob
This blog is about our third child, Jacob Christopher Taylor. He came to us very unexpectedly - we were always wanting to have another child, so finding out we were pregnant wasn't a bad surprise - he just came earlier than we had planned on having our third child. I still don't know how Jacob is here since we were using birth control, but I think that God knew we really needed him! He made our family complete, and he was a BOY! A man always wants a boy, so Mark was beaming when we found out he was a boy. I was a little worried since all I knew was girls, but he won my heart eventually...the moment he was born. I never thought I would enjoy having a boy, but he has made me eat my words. Words cannot express what Jacob has meant to me in my life. He loves his mama...he is not a sissy mama's boy, but he is a mama's boy none the less. He loves his sisters like they were his other mama's rather than his sisters. He can be "girly" at times, but he just wants to be like his girls! Don't worry, he is very manly - he fishes, loves sports, wrestles and tackles, etc. He just makes us laugh every day, and none of us can even remember what life was like before he came along. Here are a few pictures of Jacob that I just love. Keep in mind that some of these pictures are a couple of years old - he doesn' still wear diapers!

Jacob has had two sets of tubes already. His second set came just after he turned two, and he also had his tonsils and adenoids removed. These next pictures are the before and after pictures from that particular surgery. The doc said that Jacob had the largest adenoids he has ever seen, so we were glad to get those out. He had an ear infection about a month after his second set of tubes, and I was really discouraged. However, he did great after that. His tubes fell out about a year ago, and he had an infection right after that, but he hasn't had one since. So, I think we are okay in the ear department. He has been doing great - his speech improved dramatically after that second set, so we are very pleased. He talks just fine now. In fact, he talks and sings ALL THE TIME.

This picture was in the girls room but in his chair. He brought his chair to their room (I guess that is where he thinks all the fun is because all of these pictures are in their room). He crashed hard, and this picture just cracks me up.

Here he is again crashed head down. The thing I love about this picture is that his pants are half way down. This was after church one Sunday...we laughed so hard when we found him this way.

This picture is soooo cute. This happened one day when the girls were at school. He was watching a movie in their room and fell asleep in Haleigh's bed. He even had her dog...he misses the girls when they are at school. They start in 5 days, so he's going to be lonely for them again.

This one was in January. We had just gotten our dog Tanner, and he was sleeping in this kennel in the girl's room. Jacob thought it was funny to get on top of the kennel and play. On this particular day I found him with Morgan's pillow and blanket, asleep, on top of the kennel. I wish I could sleep anywhere like he can!

Like I said earlier, I guess Jacob thinks all the action happens in his sisters room. These pictures are of him watching a movie in their room. You'll notice from the second picture that he wathces a little too close! I love these pictures because of the visor. He thinks he is really funny. He is.

Here is a picture from Halloween last year. I don't really think he's a scary pirate - he's too cute. He's trying to be scary in the second picture, but it still just comes out like a cheesy smile. We will get there!

We don't see snow a whole lot in Texas, so he was excited when there was loads of snow in Colorado at Christmas. We went sledding a lot, but we found this huge snow ball someone made. It was the perfect resting spot for Jacob and Carson (my nephew) at the bottom of the hill. They chilled there for a while watching people sled.

Posted by Melissa Taylor at 6:49 AM 4 comments
Monday, August 20, 2007
Our preacher has been doing a series of outstanding lessons over the book of Acts this summer. We are finally reaching the end of the series, and Rick gave an outstanding lesson yesterday about Paul's shipwreck in Acts 27. Through his lesson he paralleled the many ways that we as Christians can find our life wrecked - through sudden loss of a loved one, through financial ruin, through broken marriages, etc. Many people flock to religion because they think that they will be safe from "shipwrecks" in their life, but Rick reminded us that happiness and success in life is not a guarantee just because we are children of God. In fact, it is not a question of "if" we will encounter a shipwreck but rather a question of "when" we will encounter one. There is always going to be situations that arise in our life. The question is, how will we handle them? This started me thinking about how much am I not like Paul? He spoke of an angel in v. 23 that spoke to him and told him that no life would be lost - only the ship. He held fast to the truth, and he persuaded the others on the ship to believe. Just as the angel had spoken, no life was lost. I have to ask myself - do I seek God through my storms, and do I praise Him through my storms? Me and my sisters, my brother, and my parents are going through a "hurricane" right now. How can I change my heart so that I can make it through the storm and still praise HIM? I need to be more like Paul! I will be blaring my Casting Crowns cd!
Posted by Melissa Taylor at 6:03 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My Sweet Haleigh
I posted about Morgan already, and now it is time to talk about my second child, Haleigh. Have you ever wondered what it might be like to raise yourself? Weird question, I know, but I am learning what it must have been like for my parents to raise me! Haleigh is lovingly referred by many of my friends and family as my "mini me". I feel like I am raising MYSELF. I mentioned in the blog about Morgan that she is SO much like Mark. Well, Haleigh is a lot like me. It can be quite frustrating to raise a child that is just like you, but it is also very rewarding! Haleigh has many unique characteristics! She is one of my favorite people in the whole world, but we also butt heads a lot (just ask Mark). I truly do see myself in her - the good and the bad! Here are a few pictures and thoughts about my sweet daughter Haleigh.
This picture cracks me up - Haleigh has a special love for ears. She has loved ears since she was born! When she was an infant she would find an ear and rub on it. Every year when her birthday is approaching she says "when I turn 4 I will stop holding ears"..."when I turn 5 I will stop holding ears"..."when I turn 6 I will stop holding ears". Well, she never stopped. When she was about to turn 7 she said "I am never going to stop holding ears". She just decided it wasn't going to happen! Everyone except me, Mark, Morgan, and Jacob thinks that it is soooo cute. We can't stand it!!! She will drive us so crazy holding our ears that we just started telling her to hold her own ear - and she does. She holds and rubs an ear when she's tired, but sometimes she just does it without even knowing it. Her hand will just go there automatically. I never knew a child to do such a thing, and I thought that it was unique to Haleigh until Jacob was born. He, from the moment he was birthed, holds and rubs lips. (They are so weird!) He does to someones mouth what Haleigh does to someones ear. This picture was taken when Jacob was about a year and a half old, so Haleigh would have been 4. This was a common occurrence when they laid together - Haleigh holding and rubbing Jacob's ear while Jacob holds and rubs her lips!
Here is a picture of Haleigh and me doing one of her favorite things. She was a natural on ice skates - she can skate much better than I can. After she mastered ice skating in Colorado at Christmas, she had her birthday party at an ice skating rink in Grapevine (an indoor rink, of course).

This is one of my favorite pictures of Haleigh because it captures her goofiness that most people don't get to see. She is only this goofy around us or her close friends, but it is her "true self". This kind of behavior is a daily occurrence in our home. She definitely has more spunk and energy than the rest of us combined! This silliness and fun nature is one of the reasons she has so many friends. When we were having her 7th birthday party, she had a list of 30 friends she wanted to invite. She said this was her list of "close friends" that she just had to invite. When we were getting ready to go on their field trip last year at school, this little girl from her class came up to talk to me. She told me that everyone likes Haleigh because she is so nice to everyone. How sweet for another first grader to notice such a character trait! I am really proud of her "individuality".

Here are two pictures of her from one of our Christmas card photo shoots. She looks so different with her bangs. (What a nightmare it was to grow those out, but she wanted to be like Morgan - much to Morgan's delight!!!!) Doesn't she just have the prettiest eyes and the cutest freckles? I love the second picture of her because, again, it shows a little of her silliness.

This was a picture from this summer on our family trip to Colorado - that is my brother in law Brian in the background. It's amazing how dark her hair is in the fall/winter (last pictures) compared to how light it gets in the summer - she has some natural highlights. She looks so big in this picture. It kind of breaks my heart that my kids are growing up so fast. She is about to start 2nd grade, but it seems like just yesterday that she was born.

Even though Haleigh can be a challenge for me to raise (2nd child thing - I can say that because I am one too), she is one of the loves of my life, and I could not imagine life without her. Contact me in 10 years after she's been a teenage for a while to see if I still feel the same way - just kidding. Haleigh is a great kid - everyone tells us that. Even though the whole ear thing can drive us crazy, it will drive us more crazy when she's grown and out of the house and not holding our ears anymore. There is a glimpse at Haleigh; I hope you enjoy getting to know her better.
Posted by Melissa Taylor at 1:59 PM 4 comments
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Happy Anniversary to us!
Mark and I are celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary on Saturday, August 11th. I cannot believe that we have been married for that long - sometimes it feels like forever while other times it feels like the time has just flown by! I could not have asked to spend my life with a better man. Mark is a terrific husband and father - so much better than I could have ever imagined or hoped. I think back at how young we were when we met, and I am amazed at how far we've come- I was only 18 and Mark was 21. We were SO young when we dated and when we got married. I had JUST turned 20 when we got married and Mark was only 22 1/2. A lot of my friends from high school (and their parents) didn't think that we would last since we were "too young" (according to them) to get married. Not only did we make it, but we are still making it! Marriage is not easy, and we have definately had times when we didn't really like each other very much! But, we have had a wonderful ride so far, and I can't wait for the next 12 years and even more. I don't really know what my ideal was for marriage, and I know that there is no such thing as a perfect marriage, but I feel very lucky to be able to share my life with Mark. I feel like we are quite a team, and I have enjoyed being married to him, having children with him, and sharing happiness, saddness, illness, loss, etc. with him. I wouldn't have wanted to share it with anyone else!
Here is a picture of us when we were dating - we were in Colorado for Thanksgiving so that Mark could meet my family. We look so young - especially Mark.

Here is a snapshot someone took of Mark while he was waiting for me. He sure looks anxious!! He does look really handsome in his tuxedo too!

This is one of my favorite wedding pictures because you can see all the flowers and the candles. It was all so of the best days of my life!

Posted by Melissa Taylor at 1:57 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 6, 2007
Lake Arrowhead State Park
We spent this past weekend on our annual camping trip with a group from our church. Usually we go to Lake Texoma, but this year it RAINED AND RAINED IN TEXAS. Lake Texoma got a lot of water, and our camp sites got flooded and are STILL underwater. We found an alternative sight this year at Lake Arrowhead State Park in Witchita Falls. We had a good time boating, tubing, and fishing. Here are a few pictures from our weekend camping at the lake!

Posted by Melissa Taylor at 2:27 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
All about Morgan

Here she is (#2) playing basketball. Mark has coached her since kindergarten. She loves having him as her coach. They are SO MUCH ALIKE.

Posted by Melissa Taylor at 3:51 PM 3 comments