Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Little Man Jacob

This blog is about our third child, Jacob Christopher Taylor. He came to us very unexpectedly - we were always wanting to have another child, so finding out we were pregnant wasn't a bad surprise - he just came earlier than we had planned on having our third child. I still don't know how Jacob is here since we were using birth control, but I think that God knew we really needed him! He made our family complete, and he was a BOY! A man always wants a boy, so Mark was beaming when we found out he was a boy. I was a little worried since all I knew was girls, but he won my heart eventually...the moment he was born. I never thought I would enjoy having a boy, but he has made me eat my words. Words cannot express what Jacob has meant to me in my life. He loves his mama...he is not a sissy mama's boy, but he is a mama's boy none the less. He loves his sisters like they were his other mama's rather than his sisters. He can be "girly" at times, but he just wants to be like his girls! Don't worry, he is very manly - he fishes, loves sports, wrestles and tackles, etc. He just makes us laugh every day, and none of us can even remember what life was like before he came along. Here are a few pictures of Jacob that I just love. Keep in mind that some of these pictures are a couple of years old - he doesn' still wear diapers!


With this family he had to learn to fish as soon as he could walk - of course, he was observing much earlier than that - from his stroller! You have to kiss the fish before throwing it back!

This was a picture from our old house of Mark and Jacob mowing. Whenever Mark was mowing, Jacob would want to help for a little. He just did this the other day too, so I guess he still enjoys mowing. I wonder if he will still enjoy it when Mark passes this chore onto Jacob when he is old enough to do it alone! Mark can't wait for that day.

Jacob has been our most sickly child. He has had to take breathing treatments since he was an infant. He has a lot of allergies and asthma, so this is a picture of a common occurrence for Jacob. The older he is getting, the less he has to do this. That being said, he has been taking some here lately, but not as frequent. Look at his face - don't you just feel sorry for him. He just LOVES this soooo much.

Jacob has had two sets of tubes already. His second set came just after he turned two, and he also had his tonsils and adenoids removed. These next pictures are the before and after pictures from that particular surgery. The doc said that Jacob had the largest adenoids he has ever seen, so we were glad to get those out. He had an ear infection about a month after his second set of tubes, and I was really discouraged. However, he did great after that. His tubes fell out about a year ago, and he had an infection right after that, but he hasn't had one since. So, I think we are okay in the ear department. He has been doing great - his speech improved dramatically after that second set, so we are very pleased. He talks just fine now. In fact, he talks and sings ALL THE TIME.

These next pictures are of Jacob sleeping. He can fall asleep anywhere. I guess he had to learn that trick quickly since we were on the move since he was born. That is what happens when you are the third child! He can be playing hard one minute and asleep the next...these pictures prove that. I have found his sleeping in the funniest positions and the funniest places.

This picture was in the girls room but in his chair. He brought his chair to their room (I guess that is where he thinks all the fun is because all of these pictures are in their room). He crashed hard, and this picture just cracks me up.

Here he is again crashed head down. The thing I love about this picture is that his pants are half way down. This was after church one Sunday...we laughed so hard when we found him this way.

This picture is soooo cute. This happened one day when the girls were at school. He was watching a movie in their room and fell asleep in Haleigh's bed. He even had her dog...he misses the girls when they are at school. They start in 5 days, so he's going to be lonely for them again.

This one was in January. We had just gotten our dog Tanner, and he was sleeping in this kennel in the girl's room. Jacob thought it was funny to get on top of the kennel and play. On this particular day I found him with Morgan's pillow and blanket, asleep, on top of the kennel. I wish I could sleep anywhere like he can!

This picture is of Jacob's first black eye. The was February of 2006, so it took his 2 1/2 years to get his first! He has had one or two since then also. I don't even remember how he got this. I'll have to ask Mark if he remembers...anyway, his first among many I'm sure.

Here is a picture of him in the bath - he is just so stinkin cute. He loves the bath. In fact, he fell asleep in the bath the other night. I should have taken a picture of that, but it scared me. He was falling asleep on the recliner, but it was only about 6:30, so I didn't want him to take a nap that late in the day. Solution - put him in the bath because that will wake him up. I sat him in the tub while it was filling up and went to go start a load of laundry. When I came back he was laying on his back asleep. The water was about to his chin when I got back, and I freaked out. Mark assured me that he would have woken up when the water got to his mouth/nose, but I felt like a terrible mom because I almost drowned my son in the attempt to keep him I didn't get a picture.

Like I said earlier, I guess Jacob thinks all the action happens in his sisters room. These pictures are of him watching a movie in their room. You'll notice from the second picture that he wathces a little too close! I love these pictures because of the visor. He thinks he is really funny. He is.

Here is a picture from Halloween last year. I don't really think he's a scary pirate - he's too cute. He's trying to be scary in the second picture, but it still just comes out like a cheesy smile. We will get there!

We don't see snow a whole lot in Texas, so he was excited when there was loads of snow in Colorado at Christmas. We went sledding a lot, but we found this huge snow ball someone made. It was the perfect resting spot for Jacob and Carson (my nephew) at the bottom of the hill. They chilled there for a while watching people sled.

Anyway, there is Jacob. I say that he came to me when I needed him most. I was having a really hard time in my life the year before I found out I was pregnant with him dealing with an anxiety disorder/depression. I had, what I refer to, as my "breakdown" the previous Thanksgiving. I really needed Jacob. I had a really difficult pregnancy - difficult enough to NEVER do that again. It was a good thing he wasn't my first pregnancy because we would only have one child! God must have felt sorry for me because he gave me the easiest baby/toddler/little boy. He really has been easy since he was born. He has been a blessing in our life. He completed the Taylor family, and I am very proud to share him with you.


Erica said...

Jacob is such a cutie.....tell him we all said HI!

Jeff said...

I'm glad you aren't going to do a story about Mark with pictures of him in the bath.

Kids are such a blessing. If I had only known, I would certainly about having more earlier in life.

Erica said... of mark in the tub...uh, no thanks!

The Timberframer's Wife said...

These boys are a whole different deal from girls! Nothing like them--combination bear and billy goat. You think you're getting a sweet kiss and it turns out he's learned how much fun head butting is. And isn't it fun watching one go through life at the mercy of the whims of two, not one, older sisters? Hey, I am loving checking your blog! Y'all take care! Robyn