Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Guess what we had in our yard?!?!

I was meeting with a friend at Starbucks last night when I got a call from Haleigh saying "You're lucky daddy has a gun"! I was concerned by that, but then she proceeded to tell me that they had found a rattle snake in the yard and that daddy had shot it. I absolutely didn't believe them, but this is what I saw when I got home...

You can see where Mark chopped its head off to get rid of the poisonous part! You can also see where he shot him. Nice shot Mark!

Here is the proof that it is indeed a rattle snake. I am so glad I was not here when the found it/heard it in the grass. I would have had a heart attack. Good thing Mark was the one to come upon it. He has had lots of experience killing snakes. But, I think this one was a little too close to his it freaked him out too. You can click on the picture to make it bigger so you can really see that rattle well.

Anyway, that was our fun for the night! Hopefully that won't happen again. Once in a lifetime is enough fun for me with a rattle snake.


Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

Looks like Mark is reliving his glory days as group leader! Good Job Mark!

Erica said...

wholly crap....if there is one there must be others eh?

Jeff said...

As Kelly would confirm, had I come upon it I would have screamed like a girl.

I hate snakes.

Rick Ross said...

Jeff, I would pay to hear that!

Melissa, there is an old saying that where there is one, there is another. That's scary.

Jodi said...


I must say I was glad to hear it freaked him out a little bit! And that he used a gun...

The Timberframer's Wife said...

Finding a rattlesnake at home isn't so good! We've found two snakes here in last few weeks, and it just makes me a little nervous. Hope your school year continues to go well and that your aching feet adjust quickly. Y'all take care! Oh, I love Jacob's sense of what is photoworthy.