Monday, August 11, 2008

I love the Olympics!

I just love the Olympics. It's funny though because I wouldn't normally watch swimming, diving, track and field, etc. except for during the Olympics. I just love watching the United States in the Olympics - you feel a real sense of national pride when you watch our athletes compete against the other greats in the world! The men's 4 x 100 m. relay last night was one of the most amazing races I have ever seen in swimming. It looked like the French team was a sure win during the last leg of the relay, but the Americans pulled out an amazing win. It was really exciting. So...Michael Phelps is still on his way to 8 gold medals.

My very favorite sport is gymnastics. I love watching the girls. The Chinese girls (little tiny girls who look like they are 12) are amazing. I get so nervous when I watch them, so it is usually better for me to know the results before I watch the event. This works out well for us here since we usually see things on a time delay. The U.S. team looks okay - two stars and then the other girls. I can't wait to watch the finals. When I was a gymnast, my worst event was the balance beam. It really does stress me out to watch it. I thought this picture was funny...what to do and what not to do. When I was about 13 or 14, I was practicing my back handsprings on the low practice beam, and I missed one hand and hit my face on the beam. After that, I was terrified of the beam. It amazes me the things the girls can do on 4 inches.

Go U.S.A. I can't wait to see what happens next!


Jodi said...

I L-O-V-E the Olympics too... can't get myself in bed at night because I just want to watch it ALL! Greatness.

I am behind on blogs, so I just got caught up on yours. Does the whole jury thing mess up your starting school?! Just curious... I know you were excited about your job.

Susan @ Blessed Assurances said...

I loved watching Michaeil and crew last night too! and the china dolls (aka gymnasts) are so cute!

when do you start your job?

Erica said...

you are such a dork! just like jason...he stayed up here till midnight i think watching the mens gymnastics..which was pretty cool i'll admit. but i haven't watched too much of it.

hey...where's the pix of your bday gift/??