Thursday, June 19, 2008

Brazil - Day 3

We had our second (and final) day of vbs today. We had approx. 120 kids this morning and only 35 this afternoon. It would´ve been nice to have them a little more evenly spread out, but it was great anyway! The kids were really excited and eager to learn, so that was good. We will be leaving tomorrow for our retreat over the weekend. I will be away from the computer, so I will write again when I come back. We get to sleep in tomorrow - yeah! The calm before the storm :) We will be waking up very early during the retreat. I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow though! I am looking forward to the time at the retreat with the other christians from nearby. It is a great time of encouragement and renewal. Things are going really well so far, so thanks for all the prayers.


The Timberframer's Wife said...

Y'all are sure in my prayers--hope the rest of the trip goes really well!