Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Catching Up...Part 2!

A couple of weeks ago, we went to CDR for the 50th anniversary celebration. Here are some pictures from the big event....

The following pictures are our kids taking a swing on the rope. (Morgan)

Haleigh's first attempt!

And her second!

And, finally, Jacob.

Group picture time. This is a picture of people that were campers from 1988-1998. Mark is in the back row.
Campers from 1998-2008. Morgan is in the second row (pink tank top).

Group Leaders throughout the years. Again, Mark is in the back.

Staff in the 90's silly picture - Mark and I are in there somewhere!

CDR weddings - all of these people met at CDR and got married - pretty special. Mark and I are on the far right side.

Our painting from the rec hall. Mark painted this a long time ago before we got married. It has been fun to add to it over the years.

Ty Ford, Mark, and Russell Smith - a remake of an old picture when Ty and Russell were campers.

Time for bed - Haleigh was out first. She was the only one that slept on the bottom bunk. It was too hot for the rest of us, so we moved our bunks together in the center of the cabin so that we could be under the fans.

Mark didn't get a great nights sleep because he ended up sharing his (small) bed with Jacob.
In case you ever wonder why Jacob never takes a serious picture...the apple doesn't fall far from the "Tree".

Well, here's a cute one of him!

Our brick on the wall outside the mess hall.

Here's a picture of what Don Neal called the "Summer of Love Reunion". We all worked together during the summer of 94, and we all go married in 95. Grant and Donna Davis (left), Don and Jane Neal (center), Mark and Melissa Taylor (right).

On June 7, 1999, we lost Mark's mom. It has been a hard 9 years. These next pictures are from "Nana's Pavilion" at Camp Deer Run. The sweet church in Sulphur Springs (where Mark grew up) donated money to build this pavilion in honor of Kay. Here is a picture of Mark, Morgan, Haleigh, Jacob, Popop (Mark's dad), Mandy (Mark's sister), and Lauren (Mandy's daughter) in the pavilion.

These are the bricks that are on the ground in the center of the pavilion. In case you can't read them, the 1st one says - In loving memory of Kay Taylor. The 2nd one says - Be still and know that I am God.

It was a great weekend. We had fun seeing old friends and campers. Jacob had a blast. He was mad when it was time to go to bed because he wanted to play more night games! I can't wait until he gets to go as a camper. Speaking of that, Morgan will be leaving in 5 days for 2nd session! Next year will be Haleigh's first year. It's amazing how time flies! Hail dear ol' Deer Run!


Lisa Hanna said...

Hey you guys! It's been a long time! Mandy forwarded me to your blog. What memories the CDR photos brought back! I didn't know that reunion was happening--I bet it was fun! Your family is beautiful. Our blog is aggiehanna.blogspot.com so that you can catch up with us!
Lisa (Aven) Hanna

The Timberframer's Wife said...

Wonderful pictures! Such a fun weekend!